API Reference

SEO for Jobs APIs allow you to integrate Google for Jobs with ease and go beyond the basic job posting integration out of the box.

Register & request API token here: https://app.seo-for-jobs.com/register

The API root URL is https://app.seo-for-jobs.com/api/public. The API token for authentication can be requested within your SEO for Jobs account. An active package is necessary to use the API. The token has to be sent via the additional header "x-api-token". The request limit is 50 requests per hour and can be increased on request.

GET /jobs

Get a list of all job postings within your account.



Response (Example):

list: [
id: "2fd59d17-14ea-4b86-a3d8-c3126db5fbc6",
title: "SAP S/4HANA Senior Developer",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet<br>consetetur …"


CURL (Example):

$curl -XGET -H 'x-api-key: cca265e6-5c40-4187-a0e9-713b4a9c453f' 'https://app.seo-for-jobs.com/api/public/jobs'

POST /job

Create a new job posting within your account.


  • status: One of this "DRAFT" or "PUBLISHED"

  • title: String

  • description: HTML description (allowed tags: br, ul, li)


  • salaryCurrency: NULL or one of this "EUR", "CHF", "INR", "JPY", "USD"

  • salaryValue: Number (eg.: 42.00)

  • salaryUnit: NULL or one of this "DAY", "HOUR", "WEEK", "YEAR", "MONTH"

  • streetAndNo: String

  • city: String

  • postalCode: String (because of leading zeros)

  • countryCode: i18n country code (eg. "DE" or "FR").

  • companyName: String

  • companyLogoUrl: Full URL to a logo (250px x 250px, .png, .jpeg, .jpg)

  • redirectUrl: Full URL for redirecting after click on the "Apply Button" within Google for Jobs.

Response (Example):

id: "2fd59d17-14ea-4b86-a3d8-c3126db5fbc6"
status: "PUBLISHED",
title: "SAP S/4HANA Senior Developer",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet<br>consetetur …"


CURL (Example):

$curl -XPOST -H 'x-api-key: cca265e6-5c40-4187-a0e9-713b4a9c453f' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{status: "PUBLISHED",title: "SAP S/4HANA Senior Developer",description: "Lore Ipsum …",employmentType: ["FULLTIME", "PARTTIME"],streetAndNo:"Jungfernstieg 47",city: "Hamburg",postalCode: "20354",countryCode: "DE",companyName: "SFJ",redirectUrl: "https://www.seo-for-jobs.com/de/jobs/sap-hana-senior-developer"}' 'https://app.seo-for-jobs.com/api/public/job'

PUT /job/{id}

Update an existing job posting with the corresponding {id}. Only submitted parameters will be updated. The update will be automatically pushed to Google in case the status is after the update process "PUBLISHED".


  • status: One of this "DRAFT" or "PUBLISHED"

  • title: String

  • description: HTML description (allowed tags: br, ul, li)


  • salaryCurrency: NULL or one of this "EUR", "CHF", "INR", "JPY", "USD"

  • salaryValue: Number (eg.: 42.00)

  • salaryUnit: NULL or one of this "DAY", "HOUR", "WEEK", "YEAR", "MONTH"

  • streetAndNo: String

  • city: String

  • postalCode: String (because of leading zeros)

  • countryCode: i18n country code (eg. "DE" or "FR").

  • companyName: String

  • companyLogoUrl: Full URL to a logo (250px x 250px, .png, .jpeg, .jpg)

  • redirectUrl: Full URL for redirecting after click on the "Apply Button" within Google for Jobs.

Response (Example):

id: "2fd59d17-14ea-4b86-a3d8-c3126db5fbc6",
status: "PUBLISHED",
title: "SAP S/4HANA Senior Developer",
description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet<br>consetetur …"


CURL (Example):

$curl -XPUT -H 'x-api-key: cca265e6-5c40-4187-a0e9-713b4a9c453f' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{title: "SAP S/4HANA Junior Developer",employmentType: ["FULLTIME"]}' 'https://app.seo-for-jobs.com/api/public/job/2fd59d17-14ea-4b86-a3d8-c3126db5fbc6'

DELETE /job/{id}

Delete a job posting with the corresponding {id}.



Response (Example):

status: "SUCCESS"

CURL (Example):

curl -XDELETE -H 'x-api-key: cca265e6-5c40-4187-a0e9-713b4a9c453f' 'https://app.seo-for-jobs.com/api/public/job/2fd59d17-14ea-4b86-a3d8-c3126db5fbc6'


In case an error occurred while processing your request you will get one of the following codes:

The provided API Token was not found within an active account. An account is marked as "active" when it has an active package.

The daily request limit is reached. your request limit will be reset within a sliding 24h window.

The total count of jobs with the status "PUBLISHED" has reached your package limit. Please upgrade your account to publish more jobs.

The provided ID for a specific job posting was not found.

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Vorschau wird geladen …
Ergebnis anzeigen
Guter Start. Ihre Stellenanzeige ist mit einer Ladezeit von Sek. gut erreichbar.
Prüfe bitte den Link , da dieser nicht erreichbar ist.
Inhalte lesbar
Die Grundlage ist geschaffen. Die Inhalte der Stellenanzeige sind maschinell lesbar.
Inhalte lesbar
Da der Link nicht erreichbar ist, konnten wir leider nicht prüfen, ob die Inhalte lesbar sind.
Bereit für Google for Jobs
Herzlichen Glückwunsch – die Schema-Daten der Stellenanzeige sind vorhanden. Dadurch kann Google for Jobs die Stellenanzeige listen
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Ihre Stellenanzeige ist noch nicht bereit für Google for Jobs. Jetzt vorbereiten
Bereit für Google for Jobs
Da der Link nicht erreichbar ist, konnten wir leider nicht prüfen ob passende Schema-Daten vorhanden sind.
Jobsuchende vorhanden
Guter Start. Stellenanzeigen für "" werden aktiv von Interessenten bei Google for Jobs gesucht.
Veröffentlichung möglich
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